There are various suppliers of our Anna thermostat. In the past there have been collaborations with, among others, NLE (the Netherlands) and Eni/Eneco (Belgium). These collaborations have not been active for a long time. The cooperation with the NLE has been inactive for a longer period of time and since January 2021 the cooperation with Eni/Eneco has also ceased to be active.
What happens to your Anna if you received it via NLE or Eni/Eneco? Your Anna will no longer be able to be operated outside the home. But this can be solved by switching to a Plugwise Anna. We have created 3 types of extensions for this. You can find these here:
Eni/Eneco customers
In the past six months, the customers of Eni/Eneco have received the service from Plugwise that the app was supported, but this feature has expired on 1 July and it is now possible to choose per customer to renew it by applying for an Anna extension. buy.
What happens if you don’t switch?
If you choose not to purchase support from Plugwise, you can only operate Anna indoors. This can be done via Anna’s screen on the wall and the local web interface (HTML interface). You can then no longer operate Anna via the app. You will also no longer receive updates for Anna and no more support via the Plugwise Helpdesk.